About Us

Offering Bilingual Real Estate

We are not a small  real estate agency, but we have been including high technology into the company with a dynamic multinational and multilingual team of specialists who offer MLS Solutions, Webpages, Web solutions, Design, and International Online Marketing.img_5f23c96dd9a70-1

Who We Are

Suppliers of Great Customer Satisfaction

At CostaRican Gurus, we work completely honest and fairly with all customers who rely on our way of working and we care for each of our customers, who perceive and get the greatest satisfaction at all times when a transaction in real estate is done with us.

Why Us


Experts in the Market

We are a small group of costarican professionals with extensive experience in many areas of work, skills and professions. Also we are well connected with other entrepreneurs both nationally and internationally.

Highly Professionals

We are well trained with technical certificates and degrees, totally connected with the Costa Rican Real Estate and specialties.

We are your best advisors

Our ultimate goal is to share our experience and education to provide the best option for our customers, so they can make the most responsible decision when it comes to buying a property.

12-Minute Affiliate


We handle the latest technology

We have a system that is designed to keep our customers, well informed, with executives and real estate markets at local, national and international levels, through training and the latest technology.

With our real estate and legal expertise, valuable relationships, and local knowledge we will help make your business experience in Costa Rica a success!

  • with our work, constantly generating added value to our customers.
  • we also engage directly with the needs of our customers.
  • offering advice to sell at a reasonable price and in the shortest possible
  • we help you acquire the best choice according to the possibilities and requirements
  • we provide buyers with the local knowledge

For more information please contact us! We look forward to hearing from you. We will gladly arrange an introductory call and discuss your business situation free of charge.

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