Another opportunity that is time limited

big-property-sale-venecia-sancarlos-costa-rica010Thank you for giving me the opportunity to continue explaining the Real Estate situation in Costa Rica, and show a little of our few offer on demand, plus more information about the properties for sale. For example we have one with deep discount for the last time, which we know you would like because it is close to the best and secret Hot Spring waters, that is in the Venice of San Carlos (Venecia de San Carlos).

Our Facebook PAGE for the Great land close to the hot springs attractions is>

But if you are more interested in Propierties on the beach, one most recomended is here:

And website for the property in Venecia San Carlos is

Before we finish, remember, we at COSTARICAN GURUS work completely honest and fairly with all customers who rely on our way of working and we care for each of our customers,42 who perceive and get the greatest satisfaction at all times when a transaction in real estate is done with us.lote venecia ENGLISH_Page1

The CEO Ivan Madrigal is well connected to the Tourism Board liberal professionals in Costa Rica and of course the CCCBR Chamber of Realtors here. Our ultimate goal is to share our experience and education to provide the best option for our customers, so they can make the most responsible decision when it comes to buying a property.

12-Minute Affiliate

We have a system that is designed to keep our customers, well informed, with executives and real estate markets at local, national and international levels, through training and the latest technology.

We will be happy to serve you as you deserve it.

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